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Experience  compassion,  explore diversity, 
and enlighten healthcare.

Experience  compassion,
  explore diversity,
and enlighten healthcare.

We do SEVA, a little differently around here..
Mainly, Because We Never Compromise
On Our 
4 Core Values!

1. Ethical Medical Practice

Through their tireless efforts, Alex helped establish a sustainable healthcare system, trained local healthcare providers, and improved overall community well-being.

2. Putting the
Country First

Through their tireless efforts, Alex helped establish a sustainable healthcare system, trained local healthcare providers, and improved overall community well-being.

3. Nurturing Relationships

Through their tireless efforts, Alex helped establish a sustainable healthcare system, trained local healthcare providers, and improved overall community well-being.

4. Putting the
Country First

Through their tireless efforts, Alex helped establish a sustainable healthcare system, trained local healthcare providers, and improved overall community well-being.

But We Did Not Start Here...

1997:A Spark Of Inspiration
Ignited A Vision In The Hostel Rooms
Of A Single College

2004: A Humble Initiative That
Would Go On To TransformThe Lives Of Medical Students Across India.

2017: First One-Week
for Nation?

How Sevankur Bharat
became Instant Hit
in 2017?

Highlight Values

  • Sevankur is entirely nonpolitical organization connected with medical students.
  • Sevankur is not restricted to any caste, creed or religion, it is open for all.
  • There is no fee for registration as a member of Sevankur. No compulsion will be imposed on members registered with Sevankur. 
  • It is completely voluntary activity.

Emphasise Of No Of Team Members,
Volunteers in 2023

It Took __ Years To Get Here.
Highlight The Value The Members get

Sevankur Bharat aims to bring ------ to----

Join Us in the Journey to __

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