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Invite Us To Your College

The Sevankur team will be available for you if you want to know about Sevankur. You may invite us for a Sevankur introduction at your college, maybe formal or informal. Formal introduction will require the permission from your college authorities. Informal get together can be done in or outside campus with some group of students. There are three things we do while presenting Sevankur.

Note: The expenses for any type of these visits will be done by SevankurBharat. No burden on the authorities or students.

College Visit

This visit will be done by the team of Sevankur in your adjacent college OR city itself. It is an informal visit wherein there will be an introduction of college students and the Sevankur team.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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This will be a formal visit wherein our team will give a presentation of Sevankur in front of students. It will require permission from the authorities. The arrangements for the same will also have to be done.                                                                                                                                                                              

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Guest Lecture

This will be a session with Sevankur Introduction. The session will be about any given subject advised by you. The sevankur team core group members OR any faculty in medical college/social field will be there in your college. This also will require permission from college authorities.

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